To one hour of way from vila of Organyà, on foot, of course, one is the Font Bordonera, one of most beautiful and abundant of all the Pyrenean one, and that the beginning of the river of Fontanet marks, that more down crosses the plain until taking apart to the Segre. The natural place is also of a doubtless beauty, populated by trees and shrubs, specially great and leafy holly that does an pleasant shade the days of summer when the sun warms up of pretty it. The people of Organyà always have been very proud and loving of her source. As much she is so at the end of century XIX, every year, a indicated day, the pregonero accompanied by a member of the City council raised and published a side in which she threatened myself punishing to whatever a holly started or touched a stone of its site in the surroundings of the source. Like all the great calcárea water pools, the Bordonera and its river, the Fontanet, have produced with the passage of the centuries and the millenia a great amount of tufa, or pumice stone. This stone of a a little yellowish, spongy and slight tone, that is left, to cut and to work with much facility, been has used by our ancestors to build numerous warehouses in houses of Organyà. The same church of Santa Maria has the apse, in good part constructed with this stone |
The entrance to the enclosure (clicad to see the greatest photo). .