City council of Coll de Nargó. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The term of Coll de Nargó occupies an extensive territory to the southwestern part of the region, between the mountain ranges of Boumort and Sant Joan, to the north; the one of the Turp, to the East; and the one of Aubenç, to the Southeast, whereas the pretty south with the Straits of the Espluvins and to the west, partly, with the river of Rialb. when happening through the term, the waters of the Segre dam up already in the marsh of Oliana. Also they furrow to the municipality the rivers of Sallent de Valldarques and already mentioned of Rialb, in addition to several torrents. Somebody has written of Coll de Nargó: " land of step and rest, home of birth and growth... their ways are shady and sunny, each corner is a new spell ". We are going to speak a little of its history. The count of Urgell had been gentleman of the present municipality of Coll de Nargó, a part of which - the old terms of
Montanisell and Nargó - they happened later to those of Caboet and these to the vizcondado one of Castellbò. The part of Gavarra, where the horseman Arnau Mir de Tost had important possessions, belonged to the chapter of the cathedral of Urgell. The highway C-14 (old C-1313), of Lleida to Adrall, crosses the term of the south to north. This main channel it leaves the one that, from vila of Coll de Nargó, takes to us through the port of Bòixols to Isona, already in the region of the Pallars Jussà. This highway they leave local ways that take to the rest of nuclei of the municipality: Montanissel, the Masías de Nargó, Valldarques, Gavarra and Sallent. The cattle predominates, mainly of meat milk even though the one is gaining land. Between the cultures, in addition to territories of grass, it is necessary to emphasize the plantations
General Vista from the highway.   (Clicad to see the greatest image).
of potato and some cereals. The advantage of the forest resources is another one of the economic props. A small part of the manual labor of the factories of Oliana and Organyà of the Taurus company comes from Coll de Nargó. Also in the last years it has been growing the sector of services, specially the related ones to the tourism: restaurants, hotels and call to account-house of payé. The nucleus more populating is vila of Coll de Nargó (simply Nargó for the people of the municipality). The rest of inhabitants of the term lives distributed between the other five towns that conform the municipality.


The "Raiers". Until beginnings of century XX, Coll de Nargó was, along with the Pont de Claverol, in the Noguera, the most important nucleus of " raiers " of Catalunya. Of that dangerous office, consisting of lowering wood by the river, the memories and the vestiges that you can see in the Museu dels Raiers, integrated in the Route of the Offices of Yesterday are conserved. In addition, the Association of Raiers of the Shore of the Segre organizes every year the two slope of rais between the Clops de Fígols and the Pont d'Espía. This traditional celebration is habitually celebrated the third Sunday of August. If you want more information clicad in the bond. 

The Romanesque one. The municipality of Coll de Nargó is one of richest of all the Alt Urgell in románicos monuments, (it is for that reason that we dedicated a special section to him in this Web) you can accede from the menu of main or clicando in the bond "the Romanesque one", or if you want detailed information more of Sant Climent you do the same one. 

The Caves of Ormini. Located in the narrow earth language which they delimit the mountain range of Sant Joan to the south, viewpoint on Montanissell, and the mountain range of Windows to the north, windy watchtower of the valley of Cabó. We will find the house of the Pitarell last, towards the west, after the Font Freda, to the right. The caves of Ormini can be considered as of greatest of the region, with extensive rooms and formation of stalactites and estalagmitas beyond. Are very wide columns and peculiar forms affluent. The easy access, as a result of the installation in them of metallic stairs in the Seventies, has allowed that little respectful visitors, and others, have written names in their walls. From end of the Nineties, in order to avoid more degradation the access been has closed with a door and the key to be able to visit them is in Montanissell. It is necessary to bring lantern and old clothes, and to go with care, since there are slippery slopes, although they do not represent any danger much. 

Coll Piquer. In these rock needles, known like the Gegants (giant) Coll Piquer, the medical instructors of the scaling have a privileged scene to enjoy. They are to little more of a kilometer of the town and the itinerary is acceded directly from Coll de Nargó following that leaves by the street of the Union, from the high part of the town and passing through the Roc Roi and the Portella, raising by " obac " of Balo to Coll Piquer. Who wants to notice well the sensations of the nature close by, can raise Coll Piquer and seat awhile contemplating the surroundings. In addition to the climbers, Coll Piquer is recommendable to visit mainly by the tranquillity that is breathed in its surroundings, when the sun arrives at Coll de Nargó by the back. 

Dolmen de Coll de Roget. Dólmenes, also denominated megalitos, that mean " great stones, is tombs of three and four thousand years of antiquity. They were buried in them, surely, the heads of the groups of shepherds who, at those distant times ja took care of flocks of ewes and goats. 
The region of the Alt Urgell is, with the Empordà and the Solsonès, richest in dólmenes of all Catalonia. In I finish of Coll de Nargó are in abundance, mainly at the top of the mountain ranges, places high and with good views and also in cols and passages of very old ways, that are where where they were used to them constructing.
The one of Coll de Roget, in spite of it, we almost at heart found it of the valley, between the house of Fenollet and Montanissell. 
One is surrounded by a spectacular landscape, reinforced by the mountain range of Sant Joan, touching the Forat of the Pitarell, that, for the people of the country really does not mean hole, but place of fitted step, ways or rivers, towards other places.

Gavarra . If in the term of Coll de Nargó there is a place that captivates so much the Vista as the spirit, this it is without doubt the town of Gavarra. In spite of being to thirty kilometers of the capital of the municipality, the narrow access road, that passa by Valldarques, offers magnificent views to us of average region of the Alt Urgell which they are worth the trouble. Almost arriving at Gavarra, the first image that appears to us is monticulo crowned with stone houses of color cobrizo and also tiled of stone. It emphasizes, like a signal of old humanity, the round tower of the bell tower, that comprises of the church of Sant Sadurní or Sant Cerni. 

Sant Miquel of them Masies

Sant Climent. (Clicad to see the greatest image).

The caves of Ormini. (Clicad to see the greatest image).

Coll Piquer. (Clicad to see the greatest image).

Dolmen de Coll de Roget. (Clicad to see the greatest image). 

Gavarra and the bell tower of Sant Cerni. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
With the leaned cemetery it forms a Romanesque assembly of style of beautiful stamp. You can continue the visit of the town immediately afterwards passing by the vestibule and raising until the place where it dominated the castle of Gavarra, already named in papers of beginnings of century XI. From the highest point the Vista, in a sure day includes from the Mountain range of the Cadí and the near mountain range of Aubenç, to the East, to more under Lleida, city of which we can see the silhouette of its Seu Vella, with the bell tower emphasizing in flat earth ponentinas. On the feet of Gavarra, towards the south, one extends the Baronia de Rialb and, already more down, wide territories of the Solsonès, the Segarra, the Noguera, the Urgell, the Garrigues and the Segrià. The best hour to enjoy the panorama is to the dusk, also is recommendable to do it at night, when thousands and the one lights of all the towns of the plain make sparkles in the distance and embroider an altarpiece of endless sensations. Podeis to accede in car or, if you are had to make a route of 47 kilometers on foot or in bicycle mountain, you will find a signalized footpath properly, you will enjoy, of everything what we have to you counted: forests of oak and oak, you will cross rivers, contemplate ample landscapes and, in addition, you will see Romanesque. 

Extension 153.72 km2 Celebration Greater Coll de Nargó Domingo next to the 25 of July
Population 606 inhabitants Celebration Greater Gavarra 3r Sunday of September
City council Greater Celebration Them Masies 1r Sunday of October
City council, fax Celebration Greater Montanissell 2º Sunday of October
Firemen Celebration Greater Els Prats 3r Sunday of July
Pujol Pharmacy Celebration Greater Sallent The last Sunday of May
Powerboat C-14, PK-103 Celebration Greater Valldarques 1r Sunday of September
Medico Doctor's office Romería to Sant Joan 24 of June
State school Romería to Sant Miquel Following Domingo to the 8 of May
PAYES HOUSES Slope of " raiers " 3r Sunday of August
Montanissell Fair of the " Rovelló " 2º Sunday of October
Valldarques * *

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell i of the book " Coll de Nargó, published by the City council of Coll de Nargó