Ski i golf. One of the attractiveness of the municipality of Montferrer and Castellbò is the possibility, without leaving the term, to practice two sports as different as the cross-country skiing and golf. In order to enjoy first, you have the tracks of Sant Joan of l'Erm, first in its modality of all the Spanish State, with than thirty kilometers of tracks more signalized. And if you want to do a mouthful, to have lunch, or to have supper... or simply to enter heat you have to your reach, in the same ski resort of Sant Joan of l'Erm, the refuge of the Basseta. One is the cosy premises where also you can spend the night, since it has rooms with bunks where often they are possible to be seen groups of students, with or without snow. In addition the zone has one extends land strip with tables and barbecues. With respect to golf, in 1997 the first nine holes of the field of Aravell were inaugurated Andorra Golf, which completed the eighteen holes in 1998. The installation has been designed by the professional player Jose Maria Olazábal.
The Romanesque one. The colegiata of Castellbò contains románicos elements, like the apses, and other gothic, specially visible ones in the cover. Within the term we can also visit the ruins of the old priorato of Santa Maria de Costoja, where they were buried vizcondes Arnau and Ermessenda, despoliation of which were unearthed, forty years later, by the Inquisición, that accused them to have practiced the catarismo. In this same page we have added one more a more careful information on this important colegiata, as well as on the rest that are still on of Costoja, and its history.
The cátaros. From in 1996 they are celebrated, at the beginning of August in Castellbò and Josa of the Cadí, days on the Cátaros Refuges of the Alt Urgell. The acts include round conferences and tables, but also routes, animation, concerts and theater, with the representation of the work "Cercamón", of Lluis Racionero, year after year in the same ruins of Costoja. Lately they are had including other elements that make of this celebration an event that you cannot be lost none, medieval matches to horse, theater in the street, market cátaro... etc.