The population of Adrall belongs to the municipality of Shore of the Urgellet and it is you locate in cruze between N-260, that head raises the Port of Cantó, and C-14 (old C-1313) that the locality by the center of the locality crosses. The economy of the term is based on the agriculture and, mainly, the cattle ranch of cattle. Even so, the restoration and the lodging: restaurants, boardinghouses and houses of rural tourism also play a very important role in the economy of Adrall. At the beginning of the last century the locality happened incessantly of authentic splendor. It was the time at which a thermal power station worked, with lignite, coming from the operation of important coalmines.

Said of Adrall, that surely you liked  Data of interest 
Gent d'Adrall ferms pel treball. City council: The Pla de Sant Tirs, Tel.:
A Adrall no han vist mai a la paella ni un tall
A Adrall són gent del carall, i al Pla ja no t'hi cal anar Pharmacy: Tel.:     
     Moving body:   
A Adrall no han menjat mai tall Greater Celebration: The first weekend of July 
A Adrall, els del rovell de l'ou The Candelera: Day 2 of February 


The operation began year 1929. (Clicad to see the greatest image). Arxiu Wonder .
The arrival of the "Company of Electrical Fluid" (CFE) and its implantation in the population of Adrall, towards in 1927, caused a turn of 180 degrees in the customs and the way to live on this small locality of the Alt Urgell, that based, until then, all its economy in agriculture and the cattle ranch at a time that we could describe, without too much fear to be mistaken, of "skinny cows", for this sector. The CFE began to construct the building of the thermal power station of Adrall in 1927, beginning therefore an important mining operation to supply it of coal and to produce electricity for the city of Barcelona. This way a network of more than 4,000 towers was constructed parallelly than they made arrive this energy until the population of Sant Adrià from the Besòs, line that still is in operation although the energy arrives at Adrall, from where it is distributed, coming from several hydroelectric power stations of the Pyrenees. The CFE was absorbed to means of the decade of the 60 by the Hydroelectric Company of Catalunya and at the moment it belongs to ENDESA. In order to understand the importance of this event only it is necessary that we were sent to the numbers of the investment. The copper towers and cable that today still are used, cost at that moment 80 million pesetas, whereas the mines and the power station supposed an investment of about 15 million more. With the beginning of the mining operation, in 1929 the first big wave arrives from miners coming from Santander. 
It is practically possible to be said that all the horsebreakers, or persones that worked to tip and shovel inside the mines were coming from outside Catalonia. Later they arrived working from another one of the communities with long mining tradition, as it is the case of Asturias. In fact many families who live at the moment to Adrall have familiar roots of other places of Spanish geography. In the period of Maxima production they got to work in the mines up to 120 people, thing that she means that 100 families depended economically on the coal and the thermal power station. On the other hand, this caused an important economic growth to other sectors like those of hostelería and the food. One comments that there was an authentic competition to provide the denominated food "quarters", that is where a good part lived on the miners, who, had a pay at least, which caused that the money moved rather at a time of economic shortage. In addition to the large cabins or "quarters" of But they d'en Flat, also lodged miners in the Pla de Sant Tirs, in the Seu d'Urgell, from where they were going to work every day on foot, and logically in the same population of Adrall, that had two boardinghouses; "Lime Colau" and "Lime Hostaler", and where also almost the totality of particular houses welcomed hosts to sleep. At night and   in the holidays it was necessary to distract itself, mainly considering the rudeza of the work. surely by proximity, they were entertained drinking wine in a house that was located to near the large cabins, in the same one But they d'en Flat, where the etílica ingestion caused that of times juerga finished to pu6netazos in the style of the "Taverna of the Mallol". Well different it was the supply of leisure that offered "Lime Molins", in the same Adrall, recognized room of dance that had bar and, surprising, of bolera. Two different ways affluent to pass the time, imposed each one of them by the different social layers from the workers of the complex; the horsebreakers by a side and the personnel of the power station, evidently more qualified and cultured. Also the attractiveness is remarkable that offered the own network of channels, about 10 kilometers, and the hundreds of delivery trucks for much people of the region and very specially for smallest. It was tradition that the students of the Seu d'Urgell visited, at least one time to the year, the mines, entering his interior and traveling gladly with the delivery trucks. Nor to say has of the amused experience left what it says "black like the coal". Also mayores they approached the mines once in a while, for want of entertainments like which we have nowadays. Without a doubt, as to have maintained the road network and funicular that it connected the denominated " Pla of carrèga ", with the thermal power station, today after all it would serve still as a good place as attractive leisure and a tourist one but to consider. The mines also had a pair of small machines of train that transported the extracted coal of the three mines: the Resalía of 400 meters, the Teresa and another one the name of which we have not been able to find out, of 75 meters each one. It is necessary to clarify that this depth did not correspond with the reality, since was baptized like " 100 mine 75 or " that depth in which had been the coal; later the prospection followed and ramificaba. With respect to the hostelera network of Adrall, it is necessary to say that it comes from very far and that one has even stayed to the present time, since the houses are abundant - at the moment also it counts on residences marries of payes-y pensions that welcome people to sleep and to eat today still. Towards principles of the decade of the 40 the mining production stopped and the thermal power station began to receive coal of Berga and of Asturias of more quality than the one than it was used until then, coming from the mines of Adrall. The channels and the machinery were transferred finally to Sant Adrià of the Besòs and the activity of the power station finalized in 1952. Today only they are left still on some walls of the hangar where the two machines, the building in ruins and left that welcomed tasca of But the memories of the people of Adrall d'en Flat and, to that were closed we are thankful to us to have facilitated these data. Possibly something of which has said is not exactly as here it has been narrated. But it is that of miners no longer it is left no and is plus the graphical testimony and the one of the people of Adrall which is. Lluís Portella and Foto Nuri, of the family Sauces Brown left, luckyly, photographic certainty for the memory. 

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