Main street of Alàs. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The municipality of Alàs i Cerc extends from the shore of the Segre to the slope of the mountain range of the Cadí, where the term reaches its Maxima altitude in the CAP of the Collada Verda (2,439 ms). By the East, arrives to the river of Vilanova and to the west it is closed in the valley of the Bastida. They furrow to the territory the precipices of Banat, Culebret, Benlloch and Cerc, in addition to the reguera of Olla and Segalers. In the term we will find from the extensive meadows of grass of earth near the Segre to the forests of pines of the valley of Molina de Lletó. At the moment we can arrive at all the inhabited nuclei of the term by asphalt road. Also it is possible to be acceded, by mountain tracks, to the depopulated one of Lletó. The economic base of the term has been, traditionally, agriculture and the cattle ranch, activities that still
now they represent main means of life of the neighbors of the municipality. The bovine cattle ranch is specially remarkable, as much of milk as for the fattening one. In the last years, the restoration establishments have impelled the sector of services, particularly in the town of Alàs. Most of the population one is concentrated in Alàs, head of the municipality, whereas the rest of inhabitants, until arriving at the 407, according to census of 1996, lives in the others you populate with the term: the Bastida d'Hortons, Cerc, the Ges, Ortedó, Towers of Alàs and Vilanova de Banat.
To the your right a general Vista of the town of Vilanova de Banat


The route. In order to know close by the term of Alàs i Cerc we recommended one to you of the routes that have been signalized in the region to carry out in mountain bicycle. One is the return to Lletò that, leaving the seat of Alàs, will take by the hermitage of the Mare de Déu of them Fish to you and the nuclei of Banat, Vilanova de Banat, Lletó, Ortedó and Benlloch until returning to the beginning site. 

The Romanesque one . More interesting the románicos monuments are the church of the Mare de Deu of them Fish (to your right), located at the top of a hill, and that dominates the town of Alàs, and the one of Sant Just and Sant Shepherd, in Cerc, in addition to the chapel of Sant Romà de Banat, of particular property. The counterpoint to the Romanesque one puts the chapel of Sant Antoni, of modernist style, near Cerc. 

Church of the Mare de Déu of them Fish. The Vilar of the Fish, in Alàs, is mentioned in a document of year 988 and the church of Santa Maria is documented from 1077. The chapel is of a single ship prolonged towards noon. The vault of original tube been has replaced by another one with knife and 

Church of the Mare de Déu of them Fish. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
cabrío of wood. The apse is of semicircular base, with smooth outer paramentos and a window of double spill. The bell tower, of square plant and walls slightly ataludados, is raised in the tramontana wall. It is of a single floor, with windows in three of his four faces and with cover of a single slope. 

Extension 57.06 km2 Alàs 3r Sunday of July
Population 409 habitantEs Cerc 2º Sunday of June
City council Tel. Ortedó 1r Sunday of October
Firemen 085 (Recommended) Torres 3r Sunday of September
RESTAURANTS * Vilanova 2º Sunday of August
Alàs Tel. "ROMERÍAS" *
Dolcet Tel. Them Fish Monday of Passover
* * Segars After Passover

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Extracted data of the opuscule "Els colors of the Pirineu" published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell