Ball Pla d'Alinyà, year 1996, in the seat of the town. (Clicad to see the greatest image). 
Alinyà belongs to the municipality of Fígols i Alinyà, in the Alt Urgell, located to the right of the Per to them river, near its formation, by the confluence of torrents of Vall-Llonga and the Alzina, to 958 meters of height. The parochial church of Sant Esteve, mentioned already in the "Act of Consagració of the Cathedral of Urgell", the 839, is románica, of century XII, although later reformed. It comprised of the ducado one of Cardona, in total Batllia de Solsona. 
For years, the "Ball Pla de Alinyà" has been recovering that is danced in the greater celebration, than takes place day 10 of August, that you can listen like background music, and also you can lower in format midi to you, compressed in zip. 

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