I finish municipal of Cabó almost includes/understands the totality of the valley of the same name, perfectly delimited by the mountain ranges of You plow and Prada, to the north; by the one of Boumort, to the west; and   by the one of Sant Joan, to the south. She crosses all I finish the river of Cabó, that is born under the meadow of Olient, close the mountain range of Prada. 
From half-full of century X, the valley belonged to família of the Caboet, that also had extensive territories, like valleys of Sant Joan and Andorra. This lineage was united with those of Castellbò in century XII. 
A local highway, that leaves from C-14 (old C-1313) for the height of Organyà, communicates all the towns of the valley until the villa of Cabó, where continuous, like track without asphalting, until the CAP of the Vall. Another dirt road unites Cabó with the uninhabited one of Senyús.
Still is passable the old way, known like the Car by the neighbors of the valley. The milk cattle ranch is the main economic activity of the municipality, although in the last years it has suffered also, as the rest of the region, the reduction of the operations. The old cultures of vineyards and olive trees, that had been predominant in the valley, are now almost testimonial. 
The population is concentrated at heart of the valley and next to the highway, in the three nuclei at the moment inhabited: Cabó, the Vilar and the Pujal, in addition to diverse masías.


Dólmenes. A stroll by the valley of Cabó will allow to discover us up to 7 megalíticos monuments. It is for this reason that has signalized the route of dólmenes, specially indicated to cross in bicycle all land. A guide published on this route exists that will be to them very useful as fellow traveller.

The Romanesque one. More interesting the Romanesque monument of the valley is Sant Serni de Cabó, building of very singular characteristics by both apses that form the head, oriented to the north and the west and united with a cupola. Also the churches of Sant Miquel of the Vilar, Sant Bartomeu de Favà and Sant Iscle de Senyús present/display romanesque elements. Another remarkable monument is the assembly formed by the bridge and the medieval aqueduct of Boixadera.

Arnaldeta de Caboet. Every year during the greater celebration of Cabó (Saturday before the penultimate Sunday of August), the Amics association of the Vall de Caboet stages the work of historical references "Arnaldeta de Caboet, pubilla of them Valls d'Andorra in temps of the Catarisme", original of Esteve Albert, in who numerous neighbors of the municipality participate.

Vista of the church of Sant Serni de Cabó, one of more interesting románicos monuments of the valley of Cabó. (Clicad to see the greatest image).


Extensión 79,51 km2 Cabó Penultimate Sunday of August 
Población 127 inhabitants El Pujal 2º Sunday of September 
Ajuntamiento Tel. El Vilar The last Sunday of September 
RESTAURANTS * Representation Saturday before the penultimate Sunday of August 
Cabó Tel. * *

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Extracted data of the opuscule "Els colors of the Pirineu" published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell