Beatus de Lièbana. " L'adoració of l'Anyell ". (Clicad to see the greatest image)
The Diocesano Museum of the Seu d'Urgell is located in the old House of the Deganat adhered to the Claustro of the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Urgell. A part of the Museum the form the old church of the Pietat and leaves from the temple of Sant Miquel. The date of the foundation of this Museum is located in 1956, when a group of citizens asked for to the Bishop and the Cathedral Chapter the permission to organize, with the "Treasure of the Cathedral", a exhibition opened to the public. Riquísima was one collection of images and other liturgical objects of an incomparable archaeological and artistic value, but practically not known by most of the population. The initiative was welcomed with all class of facilities, and
during the Easter of 1957 she was publicly inaugurated the Exhibition of Sacred Art in the same Room To capitulate. As a result of the success of obtained public, the spontaneous idea arose from a permanent museum. Its creation it we can fix day 7 of August of 1957, when bishop Dr Churches decreed the official constitution of the "Museum Diocesano de Urgell". The original location was the church of Sant Miquel and later the church of the Pietat was prepared. At the moment the Museum consists of several distributed rooms of visit in three floors and one cripta, as well as attached rooms for temporary exhibitions of art and rooms for exhibitions multimedia. The museum reunites paintings, originating sculptures and orfebrería of the parishes of the diocese and the treasure of the cathedral. In all it it has much to practically do the despoblamiento that suffered the then Pyrenees, being most of uninhabited towns and, consequently, innumerable artistic materials were the danger of loss or degradation. 
In the term of about five years they entered the Museum more of a hundred of originating artistic objects of several sites of the Diocese. And they are these, at the moment, the global bottoms of the Museum. In fact riquísima constitutes one collection of objects of Art, that includes of century X until century XVIII. As one knows, the artistic wealth of the Pyrenees is enormous. In spite of the grief it is necessary to emphasize the Beatus de Lièbana, a miniaturized codex of the century X and that was object of a robbery day 29 of September of 1996 of the Museum Diocesano de Urgell. Luckyly it was recovered, thanks to the investigating task of the Civil Guard, almost complete (it only lacks a leaf) day 21 of January of 1997. One of its pages you can see it above. Now in the Museum an exact reproduction of the mentioned codex can only be contemplated. 
Frontal of the apostles, original of the Alt Urgell, and that at the moment is in the "Museu Nacional d'Art of Catalunya". (Clicad to see the greatest image)
In addition to the Beatus de Lièbana, the Museum also conserves important manuscripts and other relics of different times (Romanesque, gothic, Renaissance, baroque), as of century XI and until the XIX, as well as painting mural and on table, sculptures, orfebrería, weaves and ornamentos. All distributed it of careful way in numerous rooms. A magnificent legacy of forced visit, in addition, from the museum we can contemplate magnificent a panoramic one of claustro, as already we have indicated before, totally recovered. 
The present design of the museum is work of Lluís architect Maria Vidal and Arderiu, unfortunately already disappeared. 

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