General Vista of Estamariu. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
I finish municipal of Estamariu, located to the northwest of the region, one extends from the right border of the Segre to the mountain ranges of Arcavell and Benat, and from close the precipice of the Óssa, to the west, to the stone of the Beneïdor, where it is contiguous with I finish of the Pont of Bar Cross I finish rio of Bescaran and torrents of Estamariu and the Carboneres or the Solà. All I finish is oriented towards the noon, with magnificent views of the Mountain range of the Cadí.
The villa of Estamariu appears documented from century IX. I finish belonged to the vizcondado one of Castellbò, between old quarter i bailía of Castellciutat.
At Estamariu it is arrived by a highway that raises
from N-260 (Axis Pirenaico) to the height of the area of rest located near the crossing of Alàs. This continuous channel later until Bescaran.La cattle activity, with more than 300 heads of select bovine cattle, constitutes the economic base of the municipality. The bovine cattle predominates, almost exclusively dedicated to the milk production. The culture lands are, also mainly, grass meadows. In I finish has settled a dedicated plant to bottle natural water. The opening, these last years, of a hotel establishment and restoration and, by another side, the rehabilitation of some houses like second residéncia, have stimulated the tourist sector. The population, very stabilized in the ultimos years, concentrates itself integramente in only a nucleus.
As we have said before, I finish havia belonged the vizcondado one of Castellbò, and we still found rest of one old fortification, well-known like the tower of the counts of Foix
In I also finish habian the houses of payés of the Quera Nova, in the place that occupies the present inn of the Quera, and the Quera Vella ( Old ), in the place of the old monastery of Pinsent.


Romanesque. To the outskirts of the town, near the highway that raises towards Bescaran, we found the church románica of Sant Vicenç, a most interesting example of the implantation in Catalonia of them forms lombardas and of the basilicales structures. It was already without cult years ago back and, later, the cover sank, that was reconstructed in 1999. Within I finish also are the rest of the old monastery of Sant Vicenç de Pinsent, the church of which was constructed under a cave.

The route. We propose a small route to you on foot, from the Quera Nueva to them ruins of the old monastery of Sant Vicenç de Pinsent. The way, that leaves the highway N-260 closely together, opposite same of the restaurant the Quera, is raised and, for that reason, it is necessary to make it poquito to poquito. The effort side compensated by the landscape that is contemplated on the valley of the Segre and the mountain range of the Cadí.

The inlays. Of the best memories than we can be taken of Estamariu, are its inlays. Processed artisan, with meat of bred pigs in the same municipality there are Them of all class. You will taste, surely, an artisan product and of quality.

Porche from entrance to the funeral enclosure of the church románica of Sant Vicenç, documented already in the 1037, which you will find when leaving the town, in the direction of Bescaran. (Clicad to see the greatest image).

Extension 21.39 km2 Estamariu 2º Sunday of October
Population 135 habitants CAMPING *
City council Tel. The Quera Tel.
Firemen 085 (Recommended) * *

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell