Panoramic Vista of Fígols.
The municipality of Fígols i Alinyà is located in its totality almost to the left of the Segre, between this river, to the west, and the mountain range of the Port of the Comte, to the Southeast, where it is contiguous with the region of the Solsonès. At the north, it arrives until the river of Lavansa and to the south, until the bridge of Spy. The term is drained by the rivers of Per to them and Canelles. To Figols d'Espía can be acceded from Organyà and the Pont. Another highway leaves this town until Voloriu. The valley of Alinyà communicates with C-14 (old C-1313) by the highway that goes until Sant Llorenç de Morunys. From the nucleus of Alinyà, another channel takes to us to the l'Alzina. All these highways are asphalted. 
In the valley of Fígols, during the Average Age, the gentlemen of Caboet also had properties and the bishop of Urgell and the priorado one of
Organyà. The castle of Alinyà, however, belonged to the gentlemen of Cardona. Of Fígols the publishing poet was son and cultural Josep Frai and Colell (1937-1995). The milk cattle ranch is the predominant activity in the municipality. Also there are some operations of pig and gallináceas as well as potato cultures. Until beginnings of century XX, the wood of the forests of Alinyà lowered in "rais" by the Segre river. To them long of these last years some establishments of rural tourism have been opened. The nuclei more populating with the term are those that give name him: Fígols i Alinyà. The rest of the population is distributed between the towns of l'Alzina, Canelles, Llobera, Per to them, the Sorts, the Vall of the Mig and Voloriu.


The "Pontarrons". In the north-western end of the term, near the bridge called of the Tower and to the right of the Segre, we found the " Pontarrons ", following of medieval bridges that comprised of the old way of Organyà to the Seu d'Urgell. The 1054 by initiative of Ermengol bishop were constructed between the 1026 and to save the deep cracks of the rock. The bridges are of arc of average point, that starts directly from the base. 

The Romanesque one. Between the románicos monuments that are conserved in the municipality is necessary to emphasize the churches of Sant Víctor de Fígols, San Esteve de Alinyà and Sant Romà de Per to them, in addition to the chapel of Santa Pelaia, near Per to them. Also they contain románicos elements Sant Marc and Santa Eulàlia de Canelles, Sant Bernabé of l'Alzina and Sant Andreu de Tresponts. The chapel of Sant Pere is equally románica, near Canelles, even though cannot be visited because it is of private property. To some of these románicas churches we dedicated a special section to them in the section: "interest places". 

The baskets. In Lime Gilet and Cal Graell, in the nucleus of the Vall of the Mig, you will find craftsmen basketmakers. 

The "Pontarrons", old way towards the Seu. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
They make great and small, as well as paneras wicker baskets, but they do not commercialize them. Yes you want them to see work, you must previously arrange the visit (only of June to September) to telephones or to .


Extension 102.24 km2 Alinyà 2º Sunday of August
Population 306 inhabitants L'Alzina d'Alinyà 15 of August
City council Tel. Fígols to 1er Sunday of September
Firemen 085 (Recommended) * *
Recreational areas: Fígols. Font de Codonyes * *
* Alinyà. Font of  the "Aiguaneix" * *
Alinyà Lime Peretó. Santa Pelaia Saturday of Passover Granada
L'Alzina L'Agustí Ca. Ball Pla d'Alinyà 2n Sunday of August

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell