General Vista of Josa of the Cadí. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The term of Josa i Tuixén, located in the Eastern end of the region, extends towards the southern slopes of the mountain range of the Cadí, on the feet of its mountainous chain, where it is the Maxima altitude, the mount of Canal Baridana (2,647 meters), until the Coll de Port, to the south, between the mountain range of the Port of the Comte and the rock of the Migdia. To the northwest the Serra Negra and to the Southeast closes the term, the Serra of the Verd. The rivers of Josa and the Mola cross the term, which, when being united form the river of Lavansa. During the Average Age, Tuixén belonged to the chapter of the cathedral of Urgell. On the other hand, the castle of Josa happened of noble hands of families of Cerdanya to the men of Pinós. The horseman Ramon de allied Josa of the Castellbò, that was accused, like these, to protect and to practice the doctrine tasted.
The economy, traditionally agrarian and cattle, of Josa i Tuixén has been praised/poured off towards the sector of tourist services. The opening of a Nordic ski resort, a house of colonies and several call to account-house of payes have contributed of a special way. You do not lose the Museum of the Trementinaires, the Romanesque one, nor the cross-country skiing that you can practice in the Nordic ski resort of Tuixent-Lavansa. Most of the population of the municipality concentrates in the town of Tuixén and the rest in the one of Josa of the Cadí.


Extension 79.51 km2 Josa to 1er Sunday of September
Population 164 inhabitants Tuixén 2º Sunday of September
City council Tel. Tuixén 2º Sunday of October
Firemen 085 (Recommended) DEPORTES OF ADVENTURE
Recreational areas: Tuixén. Planells de Sastró Ski Tuixent-Lavansa, Tel.
Lodge (Lime Curtain) Tel. Natural Park Tels. is 93 824 41 51
Lime Farragetes Tel. Sant Jaume Domingo closest to the 25 of July
Lime Fuster Tel. FAIRS *
Lime Gabriel Tel. Fair of the Vall Bridge of the Immaculate one

Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell

Sant Esteve de Tuixén. The parish of Tuixén (Tuixén) is mentioned in the "Act of Consagració of the Cathedral d'Urgell" and the invocation of Sant Esteve appears mentioned from year 963. Still after a long process of transformation, the church conserves an important part of its original construction, specially in the sector of the west. The building is of a ship covered with tube vault. The door is opened in the facade of the west in an arc of average point, and in the south we found a window of double spill. The bell tower, that rises in the southwestern angle, has a single level of windows in the high part. Inside the church a stature of policromada virgin is conserved, of second half of century XII or principles of the XIII.

Santa Maria de Josa. The parish of Josa of the Cadí (Iaussa) is mentioned in the "Act of Consagració of the Cathedral d'Urgell". The building located in the cemetery of the town, is of a ship covered with vault of tube reinforced by two torales arcs of average point. The apse, of semicircular base, is opened to the ship by folds that it forms the presbiterial arc, where at the moment is a baroque altarpiece. The door is opened with an arc in degradation in the noon wall, where also a window of simple spill exists. Two windows illuminate the church more, one of double spill in the window of the west and another one of simple spill in the apse. The bell tower is of espada6na of a single eye, with monolithic threshold. 
Sant Pere of the Vansa. We found documented the church of Sant Pere of the Vansa in year 1031 for the first time. The building is of a ship covered with vault with tube and descabezada to the East by a semicircular apse, that presents/displays characteristics of a later time to the one of of the rest of the temple. The door, located in the facade of the west, is finished off by an arc of average point. Of the original construction only one window of double spill is conserved. Upon the cover a bell tower of espada6na of two eyes rises, with adding for one third bell. This church is a clear example of the rural architecture of century XII.

Sant Jaume de Tuixén. The chapel of Sant Jaume de Tuixén appears documented already in year 993. 
The building, located next to the way that goes of Tuixén to Josa, is of a ship covered with wood vault and descabezada by a semicircular apse that is closed, like the presbiterial arc that unites to him to the ship, with vault to carpanel. 
The door, located in the facade of the west, is finished off by a reduced arc. The building is illuminated by a single window, of simple spill, that it is opened in the noon wall. 
This construction presents/displays great abundance of sillares of coarse stone, squared, arranged well in uniform and irregular rows.

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Extracted data of the book "Via Romànica of the Alt Urgell", published by Local Consell of Alt Urgell