Access door to the factory. (Clicad to see the greatest image). 
It makes of Wools of Arsèguel, located in the access bridge the town, is everything an example of the advantage of the hydraulic energy. Still nowadays one is in total operation and with a machinery that dates from century XVIII. Founded by the grandparents of the present proprietors, it has the characteristics of a familiar company that has been happening of parents to children. 
If you want it to visit, the Isern family will welcome the affection yet to you and to teach with pride this small ethnographic treasure. 
The mechanical energy is obtained thanks to a hydraulic turbine; the water is lead from the Segre river through a channel of kilometro and means of length, to a water jump of 10 meters. Still it is conserved, although one is at the moment in disuse, a mill of cloth of century XVII and one "perchadora" singular, or wool carder processed with thistles of river. Also the "devil" works to total yield, one
maquina that separates the wool and leaves it spongier, as well as the spectacular "Mule-Jenny" a designed spinning machine year 1770, the only unit that exists in all Catalonia and one authenticates museum piece. 
Between the different products that make this old industry is necessary to emphasize the heavy and very dense thread socks, appropriate to support the rigorous winter climate of the Pyrenees, or for any mountain activity, the typical tampions or the blankets of shepherd. 
It makes of wools of Arsèguel is, as you can see, a place of forced visit, simultaneously that an important example of the advantage of the natural resources -now that everybody speech of the power saving-.
Schedules of opening to the public: 
Newspaper, of 10 h to 14 20 h and 16 to h 


(Clicad to see the greatest image). 
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Extracted data of the opuscule "Els colors of the Pirineu" published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell