Bank of grain measures of the 1579. (Clicad to see the greatest image). Photo of Artur Carné.
In total heart of the Seu d'Urgell, doing almost corner with the Major street and the one of Capdevila (Head of the Vila), are two grain measures, that surprise the visitor not as much and the urgelense, customary to see them, without perhaps, to warn itself of their historical value. 
The oldest measures are noticeable with the date, mistaken, of 1379. Somebody, seems that of way well-meaning, it gave a blow of mattock to the stone, changing second number, 5, by 3, convinced of its medieval origin. The correct date, therefore, would be the one of 1579. The worked stone block welcomes three metallic funnels that end doors, through which was come to fill the grain coats after being measured. It seems that the " older measured mesuras " had been insufficient stops
to respond to the demand. This caused that in 1840 it settled down, to meters, a new bank of measures, practically identical to first. In both cases each bank has three funnels of similar dimensions. In the year measures the 1840 first cavity has a volume of 18.30 liters, second of 9.20 liters and third of 27.60 liters. In the case of the oldest bank the first funnel welcomes 18.50 liters, second 9.20 and the third 20,30. We cannot forget that although we are speaking of liters, the metric system decimal was not advocated in France until year 1791, with the aim to everywhere standardize and to unify the great variety of existing measures. In spite of it one put in practice many years later. The measures of the Seu respond faithfully being enough to the employees in the rest of the Catalan Countries. Thus we will say that the measurement for grains is equal to ¼ of the cuartera of Girona, or what is the same one: 1 fourth = 6 " mesurons " = 18.08 liters. With respect to Lleida the measurement of 3 was used " quartans " equivalent to 18.34 liters, even though modernly was spoken of 20 liters, that, peculiarly, agree with the fruit measurement. The measures of the Seu d'Urgell are practically unique in Catalunya since certainty of the existence of another similar bank in the tarraconense locality of Montblanc is only had. Also in the Principality of Andorra one exists. Like many other services then, bread furnace or slaughter house, the Bishopric of Urgell was the proprietor and it rented it in usufructo to individuals because they made the monitoring and   its operation. One of the things that surprise more is the good state of conservation in that they are. This are been possible thanks to the careful restoration of the metallic parts that the blacksmith did in his day Josep Esta6nol, unfortunately already disappear, and that had its factory near Sant Domènec.
Mr. Esta6nol widely demonstrated to his knowledge on the forge of the iron, recovering the metallic funnels and the doors do about 15 years back. The outer doors and the funnels do not have any indication of rusts, in spite of being completely outdoors.
Josep Estañol still remembered that, when was young, the grain asses and coats went frequently to the banks of measures and like, next the women swept the ground to the search of grains of wheat or barley that had fallen to the ground, with the purpose of taking advantage of them.
As you see, all a history of our city by that we often happened to its side without, often, to value it in its measured joust. The measures of "bladeria", or grain, are, without a doubt, a secret to redescubrir for many of us.
Bank of measures of year 1840. (Clicad to see the greatest image). Photo of Artur Carné.

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