General Vista of the Pla de Sant Tirs. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The term of Shore d'Urgellet, located in total heart of the region, extends to both sides of the Segre river, from the river of Pallerols, to the west, to the Montsec de Tost, to the Southeast. To the north, d'Urgell is adjacent with the term of the Seu and by the south it finishes in the low part of the river of Lavansa. In addition to the rivers already mentioned, the river of Tost and the final section of the one of Castellbò drain the municipality, in addition to several torrents. Also they pass the regueras of the "Quatre Pobles" and Olla and Segalers. The general highways C-14 (old C-1313) and N-260 cross the term, next to which are the nuclei more populating with the term (the Pla de Sant Tirs, Pitches, Adrall and the parish of Hortó). At Castellar de Tost and Montan it is arrived by asphalted local highways.
Most of the present term of Shore d'Urgellet had belonged, during the medieval time, to the chapter of the cathedral of Urgell, although vizcondes of Castellbò disputed it. Separate mention deserves the mythical horseman Arnau Mir de Tost, who conquered to the sarracenos the valley of Àger. In the term of Shore d'Urgellet are some of the greater and modernized cattle operations of the region, with extensive meadows of grass. The economic activity has been diversified lately with the tourist impulse, that has been translated in the opening of several establishments of restoration and rural lodgings. (To your right the population of Pitches). 


Karting. In the outskirts of the Pla de Sant Tirs, you will find the facilities of the Karting the Pla, with a track of 1,300 meters. The center has specialized monitors and offers the rent of karts of one and two seats. 

The Romanesque one. More interesting the Romanesque monument of the term is the church of Sant Martí de Tost. For that reason we dedicated one more to a more careful explanation at the end of this page on its origins and their history, aside from the corresponding photography that you can also see extended if therefore you wish it. The other románicos vestiges are in Sant Esteve de Sauvanyà, Sant Frutiós de Fontelles, Sant Genís de Tost and the ruins of Sempere of the Parish. 

The rolled wafers. Although the rolled wafers get used to associating even so to the celebrations of Christmas, for or years his consumption it has been extending throughout the year, to a large extent thanks to the varieties that have been created, in such a way that they have become a product of repostería that desires to any hour, single or accompanying other delights like, for example, cream, cream, ice cream, chocolate... craftsman Miquel Romeu processes artisan rolled wafers in the Pla de Sant Tirs. In addition to very diverse specialties: rolled wafers, "Cuban", fans, tulipas and "xiquitillos", in addition to one of very particular: "menairons" of the Pla. commented visits become of half an hour, for a maximum of 20 people. In order to arrange previously it visits is necessary to call before to telephone .

Extension 104.90 km2 They mount of Tost ér Sunday of May
Population 741 inhabitants He pitches Domingo de Pentecostés
City council Tel. Adrall to 1er Sunday of July
Firemen 085 (Recommended) The Pla de St Tirs 2º Sunday of August
Pharmacy Adrall The Parròquia 2º Sunday of July
HOUSES OF  "PAYES" Els Hostalets The last Sunday of September
Adrall Lime Miqueló Castellar de Tost 2º Sunday of November
Pla de St Tirs Lime Font Karting the Pla Tel.
It pitches It embroiders Requena * *

The term of Tost and its castle are documented already from year 815, whereas the older historical reference of the church of Sant Martí de Tost dates from year 1030. One is located to 785 meters of altitude, dominating the valley where there are the rest of the old castle of Tost. In century XI he was the gentleman of the place, Watched, father of the famous Arnau de Tost, founder of the dynasty of the vizcondado one of Àger. Hers that the temple was consecrated, in year 1040, by Obispo Eribau de Urgell and founded by the mythical horseman Arnau Mir de Tost went to request and his Arsenda woman. The building is of a single ship and contains important vestiges of the original church, even though great part of the construction is of later the gothic time or. The three windows of double spill are remarkable, that open in the South facade and a tapiada door, opened in arc of average point formed by voussoirs. Coming from Sant Martí de Tost they conserve in the "Museu Nacional d'Art of Catalunya", several elements of a baldaquino of the altar, of ss XII-XIII. The place belonged to se6noría of the chapter of Urgell. The municipality was independent until the 1968, moment at which several populations will annex themselves to conform the present municipality of Shore d'Urgellet. 

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell