The church of Sant Martí de Taús. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The town of Taús and the church of Sant Martí are documented for the first time in a testament of year 1094. 
The building is of a single ship, cover with vault of tube, profile slightly pointed and reinforced to per two torales arcs that start of pilasters leaned to the walls. The apse of semicircular base is preceded by a presbiterial arc in which two rectangular niches are opened. The door original, with arc of average point and tapiada for a long time, has been in the South facade. The present access is located in the facade the west. There are two windows of double spill, one in the South wall and another one in the center of the apse. In order to arrive we must take the highway that leaves You novate of Segre, before entering the town, and that is asphalted about twelve kilometers, until the population of Espaen. Later we had left still another dozen of kilometers to arrive at Taús, by a earth track, wide and readily accessible. A route that is worth the trouble to make. When arriving it waits for this important monument to us Romanesque and a town that deserves to be visited, and in that live 5 or 6 families at the moment.
The parish of Trejuvell (Trasiuvelli), appears documented year 1085 for the first time, whereas the oldest citation of the church of Santa Elena or of Santa Creu de Trejuvell it is of the 1312, although the temple would have been constructed during first half of century XI. The building is of a single ship, cover with a framework of wood beams and without head
by a trapezial apse. 
In the South facade it is conserved, closed, the original door, while the present access is located in the facade the west. With respect to the windows, we found one of double spill near the presbiterial arc, and two more in the apse, at the moment closeds. The town is in the municipality of You novate of Segre, within the old one I finish of the Guàrdia de Ares, in the southern slope of the "Puig de Montcau", above the left shore of the river of the Guàrdia. Its church depends on Castellàs, in the Pallars Sobirà.
To our right Santa Elena de Trejuvell. (Clicad to see the greatest image). 
The place of the documented Guàrdia this from year 1004, whereas in year 839 already it appeared a church dedicated to Sant Esteve. The building is of a single ship covered with vault of tube, reinforced by two torales arcs and without head by a semicircular apse that is opened through a presbiterial arc. 
The original ship has been modified at several times with the construction of two rectangular chapels covered with tube vault, added of the one second ship and extension of all the assembly. 
The present door is located at noon. On the other hand the bell tower is of "espadaña (of wall)
"and it rises on the facade of the west. The church of Sant Esteve of the Guàrdia depends on the one of Taús and the town of the Guàrdia de Ares, located to 1,594 m.s of altitude, was independent municipality until year 1972. The old one I finish was formed, in addition, by the towns of Espaén, Trejuvell, Nyus and Auses. At the moment it is a smaller local organization, with own administrative board. The town is in a knoll, in the left shore of the river of Aguilar or river of the Guàrdia.
To your left Sant Esteve of the Guàrdia. (Clicad to see the greatest image).

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Extracted data of the book "Via Románica of l'Alt Urgell", published by the Local Consell