Sant Climent. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
When coming out, in the direction of Isona, of the present nucleus of Coll de Nargó we found the church of Sant Climent, that everything indicates had been the neuralgic center of the old population, although do not have very precise data of when this it happened. The church was declared Artistic Historical National Monument by decree day 5 of April of 1946, after the architect Josep Puig and Cadafalch, scholar and great lover of the Romanesque Art, made a careful study (in this sense it is possible to remember that thanks to their intervention were able to rescue the fresh airs of the churches of the Valley of I heard, recently declared, with his monumental assembly, Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO, when they were on the verge of being started of his románicas walls, seems to be, were on the verge of being transferred to another state). In Sant Climent we were, without no doubt, before one of the churches of Romanesque primitive the prettiest ones of Catalonia, with a unique bell tower in its style. The parochial church of the old " Vila Nargone ", place well-known today as "the Villas" and where is the "Font de Sant Climent", vell was object in 1929 of a restoration in charge of the "Amics of l'art".
A peculiar document of the time, signed by the secretary of the time, Cesar Martinell, who acted as well in quality of architect, says thus: "the restoration works found the stimulus and the material aid of the Delegation of Lleida that contributed with 1,000 pesetas, and the town of Coll de Nargó, who did it with the amount of 392.50 pesetas coming from voluntary and popular subscription between the neighbors". On the other hand the "Amics of l'art vell" contributed 7,719.60 pesetas. These numbers give faith by they themselves of as they have changed the times; perhaps now, they would only serve why the turn bricklayer observed the construction and little more. During the Spanish civil war, Sant Climent dome was used powder magazine by the army of the Republic, was bombed in different occasions and although many pumps fell to few meters of the church, did not have, luckyly, important flaws. Taking advantage of good loudness enclosure, has be frame even of important concerts, like that it took place day 11 of October of 1987 with the mezzo-soprano Anna Ricci, accompanied by Jordi Russinyol, which they offered a recital of "Trovadores Provenzales", hebraicas and sefarditas songs. Sant Climent is, without a doubt, or an excellently conserved, original monument of century X or perhaps of principles of the XI, in which it emphasizes his singular bell tower that was constructed in two phases, first of them at the prerománica time. Practically the church becomes visible from any place of the town and is, you do not doubt it simultaneously, of forced visit that logical pride of "nargonins", gentilicio with which it is known the inhabitants of Coll de Nargó.

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