When a town is left loses all its history, not only future, as it is evident, but also the last one, as well as its millenarian experiences. People disgrega and nobody will remain us to be able to explain what, habitually, raisin of mouth in mouth: the wealth, the life really that had maintained its population... with its pains and their joys. The signs that are are habitually little and sad, houses in ruins, a románica church more than falls in the abandonment, and some crossings in the ground of the cemetery of the town, that remember to that had the fortune, or the misfortune, of not being able to decide its destiny, next to its town, or moved away of him. In this situation only in the region of the Alt Urgell there are about thirty towns, according to a report, that at their moment processed "Centers d'Estudis of the Pallars", the "Grup d'Opinió of Cerdanya", "l'Ateneu Urgellenc" and the "Grups of l'Alt Pirineu", under the name of "the veritable Catalunya agonitza" (true Catalonia agonizes). This means, percentage, that is left a 26% of the towns of the Alt Urgell. Those do not enter this statistic that have a single family or a single inhabitant, and that is as numerous as the left ones.
A good part of them is in the Valley of Castellbò, in other times vizcondado powerful that have remained anchored in the legend. One of these numerous towns is Solanell, millenarian place mentioned already in the act of consecration of the Cathedral of Santa Maria of the Seu, year 839. A forest, or not too much conserved track, (or simply not conserved), of about 6 kilometers approaches to us Solanell, in one discovered mysterious and surprising one. This of must to that the town, in all its dimension, is only made visible when they are left few meters to arrive at him. Throughout the way, that rises high always upwards, woods of electrical current arrive until the town and they are vertebran by his, semiwooded streets. One comments that the inhabitants of Solanell began to leave the right town when arrived the electricity. Perhaps already they were fed up to live lazy on the hand of God, and, porqué no, of the administrations! In spite of this anecdotal fact the certain thing is that modernity has gone, often, accompanied by the despoblación.
Solanell was a relatively great town, reason why still it can be seen, and not too much far from the capital of the Valley; Castellbò. In spite of it, in the inhabitant Sixties its they decided, as it happened in other populations, to make the suitcases and to march for always. Other places, like Sendes and Sallent de Castellbò, were left later, towards the Seventies, in spite of having the school and other services much more far.
Of Solanell we have had left, at least, a piece of their culture in song form, thanks to l'Agustinet of Pallerols of Cantó, a young esquilador of ewes, musician accordionist who as a result of an incident that she had with the priest of the town, decided to compose a song that has been happening of mouth in mouth to the present time.
According to it seems esquiladores young people were in front of the church of Solanell, working hard, but also doing jolgorio, as it is logical on the other hand, and was custom when the ewes sheared themselves. Perhaps the priest, annoying by said jolgorio and, I lack of customer for its rosary made use of the force, and not indeed divine, to in front of make those "descarriados" young people, armed with a cane. All it served the likeable and espabilado Agustinet to compose this song, prohibited during the hard years of the Francoism, but that the urgelenses always have remembered and sung in their celebrations and celebrations. Negre is the song baptized like the "Gall", the clear priest! She is this. And
if you want it to oir sung by the Estudiantina in format MP3, tablet in "zip", clicad here: |