General Vista of Cornellana.
The municipal term of the Vansa i Fórnols extends from the western tops of the mountain range of the Cadí to the abutments of the mountain range of the Port of the Compte and from the Montsec de Tost, to the west, to the Black mountain range, the east. The territory is furrowed by the river of the Vansa and its affluents, the rivers of Bona and Fred and by the one of Ribanegra, that flows in Molí de Fórnols. It is possible to be arrived at the valley of the Vansa from the Seu and Solsona by asphalt roads. Also from Berga by Gósol and Josa of the Cadí and from Organyà by They mount of Tost to Sorribes, with sections of mountain track. During the medieval time, the Vansa belonged to the county of Urgell   
and the Pinós and later it happened to the town hall of the cathedral of Urgell, except the old term of Adraén, that belonged to the vizcondado one of Castellbò. Agriculture and the cattle ranch had constituted the main economic activity of the municipality. Still some traditional cultures stay, like those of potatoes, and are small operations of bovine cattle and some flocks of ewes. Lately they begin to introduce the biological cultures and of medicinal and aromatic plants. The tourism is incipiente, with few rural lodgings. In the term we will find the towns of Sorribes, Adraén, the Barceloneta, Cornellana, Fórnols, Ossera, Padrinás, Sant Pere and Sisquer.


The craftsmen. The town of Ossera is in if same a small market of crafts. In Lime Nogué they will find Peter and Suzzette, that is dedicated to the culture of aromatic grass and medicinal or at the moment they are carrying out the accomplishment of a botanical mountain garden. In lime Codina, Eulália Torras processes the cured cheese of goat "Serrat Gros". In lime Peretó, the escultor Nico de Winter works the stone to turn it into objects of art and very diverse pieces of functional type.

The Romanesque one. More interesting the Romanesque monument of the municipality is the church of Sant Julià dels Garrics, at the moment without cult and slope of restoration. Also the churches of Sant Pere of the Vansa, Sant Vicenç de Banyeres and Sant Romà de Sisquer are of origin Romanesque, in addition to the chapel of Sant Jaume near Montargull and the ruins of Sant Andreu de Cornellana.

Sant Pere de la Vansa. It arrives, to your right. The church of Sant Pere de la Vansa, is first documented in 1031. The building has a single nave covered with a barrel vauld and a semicircular apse to the east, which is from a later period than the rest of the church. The portal on the west facade is capped with a round arch. Only one double-splay window remains from the original construction. There is a bell cote adove the doorway with two openings and addition for a third bell. This church is a fine example of 12th-century rural architecture.
Sant Julià del Garrics. To left yours. The valley of Lavansa (Labancia) is mentioned in the Act of Consecration of the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Urgell and the devotion to Sant Julià is documented in 1031. The church, located in an uninhabited area beside the Bona river, has a single nave. Part of the nave is barrel vaulted with a semicurcular profile and the rest is barrel vaulted with a pointed profile, supported by two transverse arches. The semicircular apse is decorated eith Lombard arcatures, the same decoration that appears on the south facade. 
The portal on the west facade is finished with a round arch  built with voussoirs. There are three double-splay windows: one in the apse and two walled-up windows on the south wall.

Extension 79,51 km2 Adraén 2º Sunday of November
Population 127 inhabitants Cornellana The last Sunday of June
City council Tel. Fórnols 3er Sunday of November
Firemen 085 (Recommended) Els Garrics 1er Sunday of September
CAMPINGS  * Ossera 3er Sunday of June
El Molí de Fórnols Tel. Sisquer 2º Sunday of June
HOUSES OF COLONIES Sorribes 1er Sunday of August
Cornellana Tel. APLECS (ROMERIAS)
RESTAURANT * St. Salvador Sunday next to the 5 of August
El Molí de Fórnols Tel. St. Marc 1r Sunday of May

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Extracted data of the opuscule "Els colors of the Pirineu" published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell