As you have been able to see the municipality of Coll de Nargó hides all one retahíla of surprises... and very pleasant by the way. The last one which it has arrived to me at the hands is the existence of rest of dinosaurios in I finish. And another very important thing: the existence of people behind who sacrifice their   hours of leisure to preserve and to spread this important historical legacy. It is the case of ADAU, Amics dels Dinosaures del Alt Urgell. (Friends of the Dinosaurios of the Alt Urgell). We are going to know them better, Come!
ADAU is an association that reunites to people to whom they like to walk by the mountain and to enjoy of their surroundings: the Romanesque one (very abundant in the municipality, as already we have shown), its towns and you hoist, his masías, the minerals and fossils, the fauna and flora in general... They are conservacionista people, that creates firmly that the respect to means and the progress can, and must, to go taken of the hand, and that our patrimony is a value that there is to conserve and to disclose. 
I suppose that you will ask yourselves as ADAU were born . You the story... From year 1985, a group of friends the president of ADAU, Josep Peralba began to investigate the rest of dinosaurios by the environs of Coll de Nargó (among them, of Coll de Nargó, and Joan Escuer, both geologists of profession... a 
Photo of Joan Escuer. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
guarantee of the fidelity and veracity of the data that have been accumulating throughout these years. Little by little they were discovering new deposits (nests with eggs) in different states from conservation. To the being conscious of the magnitude and importance of the mentioned deposits (of most important of the country) they communicated immediately to the different administrations and institutions, recommending, obvious, its preservation and conservation. The lack of economic resources did not allow to go beyond the recovery of a pair of deposits that were being deteriorated seriously. Towards end of years 90, they detected that some of these deposits were being expoliados by people without no type of scruples, destroying them, and even, llevándoselos. 
Sensitized by these last facts they considered opportune to create ADAU, with the purpose of stopping these actions and beginning a period of protection, conservation and spreading of the mentioned deposits.

OBJECTIVES OF ADAU, Friends of the Dinosaurios of the Alt Urgell 
To centralize in Coll de Nargó the study of the rest of dinosaurios of the Alt Urgell.
To carry out a geologic study of the deposits.
To initiate campaigns search and investigation of bones, tracks... 
To sensitize to the population and the different institutions from the necessity to protect, to conserve and to disclose this patrimony.
To recover, in the measurement that the possible thing, the rest that have disappeared.
To qualify a space in the town in where a nest can be shown (the City council of Coll de Nargó already has it jeopardize, in this sense, to yield a place with this purpose).
To design a protected itinerary in which a part of the deposits can be observed "in situ".
To declare the space in which are the deposits like protected zone, prohibiting the extraction of rest.
To stimulate people so that one registers in the association, that is gratuitous and without I animate some of profit.
To create a web through which the members of the association can be communicated.
To put to us in contact with associations with similar purposes.
To look for economic and material resources with the purpose of carrying out these objectives.
Surely which the curiosities are many that the existence of the dinosaurios wakes up, is for that reason that we have prepared these fifteen you ask to you that they come in the following page, with his corresponding answers, that all we become on these prehistoric beings. For it only it is necessary that you go to:
Following page

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