General Vista of Arsèguel
If there are to define somehow, and this always is difficult, the urgelense population of Arsèguel, we dare to use the qualifying one of "manger" by many reasons. In the first place because it consists to us that we are not first in doing it. On the other hand, their same geographic situation, on the foot of the mountain range of the Cadí, and on a hill, gives, seen him from the same highway, a closely bucólico aspect. When we entered the town first that we see is the church of Santa Columba, or Santa Coloma, of Romanesque a simple one, point of encounter of the cattle dealers who still base a good part of their economy on milk. In the seat of
the church one can see like agrupanlos neighbors, chatting itself, while they hope that the Cuba of the Cadí cooperative takes its daily production. 
Before entering itself by the alleys of the town he is recommendable to admire this architectonic monument, his esbelto bell tower, portalada of arc of average point and small rosette. Special attention deserves to the visitor a pair of peculiar masks carved in the wall of the facade of the church, located to both
sides of the access door. Even though always the stroll by its streets, winding is recommendable and with conserved and recovered stone houses either, the more is to do it it during any day of the week, that is not festive or summery time. It is a this good way to appreciate sometimes in absolute silence, single broken by the bark of some dog that comes to us to receive, the enchantment of the town. Here, like in other places of the Pirineu, the houses of second residence, yet good are numerous and the not so good that this bucket, since by a side it is guaranteed the conservation of the houses whereas, on the other hand, it implicitly brings the gradual death of the town life. In spite of the grief it is necessary to say that Arsèguel is of the few sites of the Alt Urgell where in these last years it has increased the population. 


The seat in one of the " Trobades ".
The capital of the accordion. We can consider Arsèguel like the capital of the accordion, at least diatónico. From year 1976 the " Trobada is celebrated every summer amb els Acordionistes of the Pirineu " - although it is a festival of international look, unique and that reunites artists of all parts of the world are the older encounter of pop music of the Catalan Countries and that, this year, has already arrived at its editing number 26. If you wish it, you can pass all the night listening melodías of all parts of the world. This year has extended its supply with shutdowns of "luthiers" and a carp in which it was possible to be listened the new generations of accordionists.
The Romanesque one. That we can say that no longer we have explained already on the church of Santa Coloma? In any case a little more technical explanation will not go bad, even on the rest of the population. The origins of Arsèguel are clearly medieval and still visible as a whole architectonic, not only in Santa Coloma, if not in all the town as a whole, one of rather conserved of all the Pyrenean one, with stone houses tiles Arab and balconies of wood. Of the castle of the Cadell (centuries XII and XIII) rest in walls are conserved, streets and houses of the urban nucleus. 

The wool factory. In the nucleus of the Bridge of Arsèguel you can visit the Wool Factory, a traditional company of familiar look - for more information you go yesterday to the "route of the offices of" or clicad in the bond of above that still works with hydraulic energy and that still counts on a spectacular spinning machine, among other machines, that still are in assets, designed in century XVIII. In this factory the typical peúcos are made, tampion and blankets of shepherd. 

Extension 10.52 km2 Arsèguel 1r Sunday of August
Population 101 inhabitants " TROBADA " WITH THE ACCORDIONISTS
City council Tel. * The last Saturday of July
Firemen 085 (Recommended) HOUSES OF COLONIES
PAYES HOUSES * House of Colonies of the Cadí,
Lime Roig Tel. "ROMERÍAS" *
* * Them Fish Monday of Passover
* * Segars After Passover

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