The Seu d'Urgell. (Clicad to see the greatest image)

With its 11,000 inhabitants, the Seu d'Urgell is formed like neuralgic center of services of an ample zone of the Catalan Pyrenees (region that has 60,000 inhabitants) and it is located in a privileged geostrategic point: halfway between the cities of Barcelona and Toulouse, both main urban and economic centers of our regional surroundings and just in the middle axial Pirineu, in the confluence of the rivers Segre and Valira. The high level of equipment and services whereupon counts the Seu reinforce this condition of centralidad and city of services, being able to mention among others the following examples:

Institutional Representation: seat of the Bishopric d'Urgell , head of a diocese that includes the totality of good the Catalan Pyrenees i part of the Pre-Pyrenean one, the holder of who shows the position of Coprince of the Principality of Andorra. 

Medical assistance: The Sant Hospital , taken care of per 160 professionals, with a supply of 80 hospitable beds that covers the region with the Alt Urgell and good part of the Cerdanya.

Citizen Security: Police station of the "Mossos d'Esquadra", seat of the Pyrenean Police Region of the Western one .

Commercial center: The Seu presents/displays a significant and varied commercial supply, arranged with the existence of two important weekly markets and with the revitalized and millenarian Fira de Sant Ermengol , that presents/displays singulars sectorial manifestations like the Fira de Formatges Artesans of the Pirineu (with the attendance of craftsmen of all them pirenaicas regions of Spain and France) and the Fira of l'Esquí Nòrdic , a mighty sport modality of which the Seu is its capital at Catalan level.

Tourist center and of congresses: The Seu presents/displays a supply of more than 1,000 hotel seats in establishments of quality in all the categories. The city welcomed, during year 1998, more than 2,000 people in congresses and conventions of national, state and international character.

Cultural services and assets: Municipal library of Sant Agustí . The Library with the greater number of users in comparison with Catalan populations of dimensions similar to the Seu, Room of culture and conventions of Sant Domènec , Historical File of the city , File and Diocesano Museum d'Urgell as well as a Monumental and Historical Patrimony of first order.

Seat of sport manifestations of world-wide scope: The Seu d'Urgell, main Spanish center and
one of most important of Europe in the pirag5uismo of brave waters has a modélica installation to the practice of the nautical sports: the Olympic Park of the Segre, that in the 1992 was the scene of the tests of eslálom of the Olympic Games of Barcelona and that has continued welcoming numerous international competitions of this modality, like the Championship of the World'99 , test of classification for the Olympic Games of Sydney'2000, with the participation of 45 national selections.
To your right the calm water channel of the Park of the Segre. (Clicad to see the extended image).

Communications: The next reapertura of the Airport the International of Seu-Andorra will improve of very considerable way the communication infrastructure system, simultaneously that will reinforce the condition of centralidad of the city.

Strategic planning: The Seu has been having for 2 years its own Strategic Plan , that it marks the aspirations of future of the city for the next decades in the fields of the economy, culture, urbanism, equipment, services and communications. The Strategic Plan was processed by means of an open and participativo process (300 urgelenses collaborated of active way).

Initiatives of pirenaico scope impelled from the Seu d'Urgell:

The City council of the Seu d'Urgell, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Works, ICONA, the Independent University of Barcelona, the Groups of " l'Alt Pirineu ", and under the sponsorship of UNESCO, led the application of program MAB 6 ALT PIRINEU at the end of years 80. This program of investigation generated 18 sectorial and thematic publications that have marked   the future of the zone.

The Community of Work of Pirineos (CTP) constituted in the Seu d'Urgell in 1983, with the objective to unify efforts, to make a promotion joint and to improve the internal communications. This work party reunites to the independent communities of the Spanish slope of the pirenaica (Basque Country, Navarrese mountain range, Aragón and Catalonia), the regions of the French part of the Pyrenees (Aquitania, Noon-Pyrenean and Llenguadoc-Rossellón), as well as the Principality of Andorra.

The Commission Interpirenaica de Local Poderes (CIPL) integrated by the municipalities of the Seu d'Urgell, Barcelona, Toulouse, Foix, Ax-them-Thermes and the seven parishes of Andorra, is presided over by the mayor of the Seu since it was based, year 1983, and maintains the intention to intensify the trans-border municipal cooperation in the fields of the culture, the sports, the tourism, the socioeconomic promotion and the communications.

The Seu has been the motor of the writing process of them BASES FOR the STRATEGIC PLAN OF L'ALT PIRINEU , the resulting document of an open and participativo process that was developed between years 1997-1998 with the implication of more of thousand of citizens and citizens of l'Alt Pirineu, and that marks a collective reflection to define a common project of future.

The university vocation of the Seu is materialized in diverse initiatives that give to the city the character of main superior training center of the Pyrenees.

  The Seu is the seat of the Curs d'Estiu d'Estudis Pirinencs (CEEP), that has arrived in the 2001 already at his 18ª editing. This university forum, that has consolidated like a solid point of reference around the studies on the mountain areas and that are organized with the participation of the universities Central and Independent of Barcelona, Lleida, Girona, Pompeu Fabra and Politécnica of Catalonia.

The Seu counts on an important center of the National University of remote Education (UNED) that offers a superior total of 23 races and studies, simultaneously that reunites to a assembly of more than 700 students coming from them pirenaicas regions and of the Principality of Andorra.

The city has been also the seat for 6 years of the Universitat d'Estiu of the Universitat de Lleida , that has chosen the Seu d'Urgell like permanent center of its courses of summer and that in the 2001 has obtained the participation of 500 people between professors and students coming from Catalonia thus, like of the rest of the geography of the Spanish State.

The Room of Culture of Sant Domènec frequently welcomes forums and congresses of different scientists and professionals who complement the actions and programs previously mentioned.

L' Escola Universitària de Turisme dels Pirineus (EUTP), of the Joviat center, recently located in the Seu, distributes formation in the field of the tourism and is specialized in the thematic one of mountain. This assembly of periodic events d'Urgell like a specialized university center   in thematic of mountain, specially pirenaicas forms the Seu.


City council Cathedral and claustro
Municipal Police or 092 Church of Sant Miquel
Court of 1ª Instance or Museum Diocesano de Urgell
Bishopric of Urgell Room of Culture of Sant Domènec
Library St. Agustín Mesures of the Bladeria
Tourist Information Street " dels Canonges "
Sant Hospital  House " Lluna " (Moon)
C.A.P. or House of the Pelegrí (Travelling)
Local Consell High street
Taxis Seminary
O.T.G. (I.N.E.M.) Episcopal Palace
Pharmacies -
Stroll Joan Brudieu
Sport facilities Park of the Valira
Firemen or 085 Park of the Enamored ones
Mossos d'Esquadra or 088 Park of the Segre
Llar de St. Josep *
Bus-station *
Civil Guard *
Ambulances (Gualfa) *
Police station of Police *
Post office *

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