General Vista of You novate of Segre. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The municipal term of Valls to d'Aguilar to them is located to the right of the Segre, between this river and the precipice of Gavarret, that does of limits with the Pallars Sobirà. To the north, one extends until the Port   of Cantó and at the Southeast it arrives until the defile of Tresponts. The rivers of the Guard cross almost all the term and of Pallerols, that is united in You novate and end to the Segre; to the west, the Major river brings waters to the Noguera Pallaressa. The escarped one of most of the territory contrasts with the smooth plain of Taús, to 1,500 meters of altitude. Of the highway C-14 (old C-1313), to the height of the Handle of You novate, leaves the highway that communicates the three valleys that conform the municipality. Some sections of this channel are asphalted.
From Espaén to the end of the valley there is a earth forest road. During the medieval time, the present term of the Valls to d'Aguilar belonged to the vizcondado one of Castellbò. The term is basicamente agriculturist and cattle dealer. It predominates the milk cattle, as well as some flocks of ewes. The existence of a slaughter house of pigs and an inlay factory is remarkable. The nucleus more populating is You novate of Segre, head of the one of the municipality. The other towns of the term are Anyús, Argestues (the second in population after the main nucleus: Novate of Segre, - with some thirty inhabitants registered and about ten more of second residence -), Bellpui, Berén, Biscarbó, Castellàs of Cantó, Castells, Espaén, the Guard of You plow, Junyent, Malgrat, Miravall, Taús and Trejuvell. It is important to emphasize that the municipality of Valls to d'Aguilar is, luckyly, one of the municipalities that have seen in the last grow the population of their nuclei years, and, even, towns have inhabited themselves that had been left years already back.


The inlays. In Lime Bernadí, of You novate of Segre, process inlays and jamones with bred meat of pig in the region. Between his specialties it is necessary to make special mention to delicious " bull of donja ", between many others. Visits commented of one hour for groups of up to sixty people become, the mornings, of Tuesday to Thursday to arrange visit, is necessary to call previously to telephone  

The Romanesque one. The románicos monuments of the term are characterized by their simple and austere lines. Santa Elena de Trejuvell, Sant Esteve of Guardia and Sant Martí de Taús comprises of the denominated one "Via Románica", transfronteriza route of the Romanesque pirenaico. Also they are románicas the parochial church of Sant Andreu, in You novate of Segre, as well as Sant Bartomeu de Malgrat, Sant Martí de Berén, the Concepció de Miravall and Santa Llogaia de Bellpui. The church of Sant Lluc de Anyós is prerománica. Considering the great amount and quality of Romanesque of which it has the municipal term Valls to d'Aguilar to them we have dedicated a special section that you will find in:  interest places.

Dolmen de Biscarbó . One is a magnificent pirenaica stay of great dimensions, that stays in a good state of conservation. One is to the summit of the mountain range that we will find towards the west of the town of Biscarbó. From this place a panoramic one of Cantó can be contemplated extraordinary. 

Parochial church of Sant Andreu. (Clicad to see the greatest image).


Extension 124.53 km2 Castellàs of Cantó 15 of August
Population 302 inhabitants Espaén 2º Sunday of November
City council Tel. The Guàrdia d'Ares 2º Sunday of October
Firemen 085 (Recommended) Novate of Segre The last Sunday of July
Fàbrega Excursions Tel. Novate of Segre. Sant Serni (Festa Vella) The last Sunday of November
* * Taús The last Sunday of September
Argestues Tel. Sant Martí de Taús The last Sunday of May
* * Sant Quin 16 of June

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell