The present city council of the Pont of Bar (Clicad to see the greatest image).
The term of Pont of Bar, located in the Eastern North part of the Alt Urgell, is in the subregion of the Baridà. One extends to both borders of the Segre, from the Punçó hill, to the north, to the mountain range of the Cogulló, to the Southeast, and between the level one of Sorri, to the west, and the rock of Àliga, to the East. In addition to the Segre river, by the municipality several torrents run, like those of Sant Joan, of Molí and Barguja. The head of the municipality, Pont of Bar, is closely together of the highway N-260. Des of this channel is acceded to all the other towns of the term by asphalt roads. Pont of Bar had comprised of the county of Urgell. Ermengol, the bishop holy, died in year 1035 when falling to the Segre while it visited works of the bridge that he himself had commanded to construct. The 1982 water whirlwinds destroyed a great part of the town (of which we see down some houses still more and the windy one 
bell tower of Sant Esteve of Bar), that serious reconstructed, years later, in a next place. the economy of the municipality is based on agriculture and the cattle ranch. It does, approximately, a century was land of vineyards, (For that reason a small museum dedicated to the vine and the wine has been located, and that this framed inside "the route of the offices of yesterday". If you want more information you will find it in the menu of above or clicando in the bond. Today what it predominates is the milk cattle, in addition to some heads destined to the fattening one. In the Pont of Bar they artisan process cured cheese of goat, that has been awarded with the gold medal of the " Fira de Formatges Artesans of the Pirineu " of Sant Ermengol, that has site place the third weekend of the month of October in the Seu d'Urgell. The population of the term of the Pont of Bar distributes itself between the several inhabited nuclei of the term: Ardaix, the Arenys, Aristot, els Banys de Sant Vicenç, Bar, Castellnou de Carcolze, Toloriu and the same Pont of Bar.


Princess Moctezuma. Toloriu closely is bound to the legend of Aztec princess Maria Xipaguacín, daughter of Moctezuma emperor, who, according to counts itself, arrived at the town of the arm of Joan Grau, man of Toloriu which, they say, had been going to make the Américas with Courteous Hernan. Of all it you have more information in the section "Legend and traditions"of the main menu, or clicando the bond of above. It is said that their despoliation rest under the church of Sant Jaume, now recovered.

The Romanesque one. The church of Sant Andreu de Aristot, of a ship covered with tube return, is finished in a semicircular apse and has the door in arc of average point done with great granite voussoirs. Also the church of Sant Esteve of Bar Within the term is of origin Romanesque is the ruins of Sant Martí de Cassanet and Santa Llogaia. the church of Santo Gervasi de Castellnou de Carcolze is of gothic style and underneath emphasizes the cover of the bell tower. 

The museum of the wine and the viewpoints . In Pont of Bar you can visit the Museum of the Vine and Vino de Monta6na, which gives testimony of an activity that had been predominant in the municipality and great part of the Alt Urgell. Also he is recommendable to visit the rest of the old castles of Aristot, Bar, Castellnou de Carcolze and Toloriu. The vestiges are little, but the views from these places are magnificent. Near Toloriu you have the opportunity to discover the legendary " Cova of Enchanted to them ".

The church of Sant Esteve and its bell tower, in the old nucleo of the Pont of Bar (Clicad to see the greatest image).

Building that welcomes the "Museu of Vinya i Vi". (Clicad to see the greatest image).

Extension 43.01 km2 Aristot 1r Sunday of September
Population 142 inhabitants Bar 2º Sunday of August
City council Tel. Castellnou de Carcolze 3r Sunday of June
Firemen 085 (Recommended) Pont of Bar The last Sunday of July
CAMPING * Toloriu 15 of August
The Pont d'Ardaix Tel. * *

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Extracted data of the opuscule " Els colors of the Pirineu " published by the Local Consell of l'Alt Urgell